Expert reports (QOS, etc.)
Compilation of the registration dossiers in eCTD format
Translation of the texts of product information - SPC, PIL texts and labelling - into national languages performed by pharmaceutical/medical experts
Readability test
Submission of the dossiers to the National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs)
Communication with the NRAs and monitoring of registration procedure,obtaining
of the final decision (MA)
Post-registration service involving variation, renewal and transfer procedures, annual maintenance fees, proofreading of mock-ups, ect.
Publicly accessible scientific information service
Except the Czech Republic we provide this service in the Slovak Republic, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Greece.
MD-Pharm Ltd., L. Horke 15/66, 747 21 Kravare, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 553 671 756, +420 553 671 746, Fax: +420 553 671 746
E-mail: md-pharm@md-pharm.cz |
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